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Path 2 Success
First Years Hero

First Years 

For students with 0-30 credits. Build the foundation for your college career by completing these initial steps. 

Find Your Major & Interests 

Discover what interests you and turn your interests into a career. 

Explore Our Programs 

Find what majors interest you and best aligns to your career goals. Explore majors, minors online, and attend the Major Fair. 

Plan with an Advisor 

Meet with your advisor to develop an academic plan and prepare for future registration. 

Attend a Major & Minor Fair 

Find what major interests you and best aligns to your career goals. Explore majors, minors online, and attend the Major Fair. 

Find Your Interests

Complete Steppingblocks, a career interest inventory, and discuss your results with Career Center staff for more ideas.

Prepare for Your Future 

Discover what interests you and turn your interests into a career. 

Activate your Rutgers-Newark Handshake Account

Activate your Rutgers-Newark Handshake account for exclusive access to internships, careers, and experiential opportunities. While you’re here, join a first-timers tour at the Career Fair.

Visit the Office of Career Resources and Exploration

Speak with a career counselor about what you can do now to be career-ready. Sign up for the newsletter for more tips and advice on growing your network and finding a job.

Attend a career fair

In your first year, it's a good idea to attend the career fair as an observer. Talk with potential employees and consider what you want (and don't want) in a future employer.

Rate your Career Readiness

Take a look at the skills and competencies employers look for while hiring. Give yourself an honest rating of where you stand and get customized advice for your next steps.