The Braven Career Accelerator empowers students with transferable, 21st-century career skills through targeted activities building on each individual student’s strengths and interests.
Braven's Leadership and Career Accelerator
Accelerate your internship and job success
A 3-credit course for all RU-N undergraduate students
Rutgers University-Newark partners with the nonprofit Braven because the Career Accelerator course has a strong record of promoting high-impact career development practices that lead to quality post-graduation jobs.
RU-N believes that the 3-credit RU-N/Braven Career Accelerator can enhance the education of all of our undergraduates in all majors. You will be auto-enrolled in your sophomore or junior year, and may choose to enroll in the course sooner or later in consultation with your advisors. See the Braven FAQs for details.
The Braven Impact
Percentage of RU-N Braven graduates with at least one internship, 24 percentage points higher than the national average for graduates of color.
Percentage of RU-N Braven students graduating on time
Percentage of RU-N Braven students with a strong first job 6 months after graduation. That's 18 percentage points higher than grads from ALL US colleges and universities!