Progress Reports – information for students
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Progress Reports, or early alerts, allow professors an opportunity to provide students with feedback on their performance in courses. They are intended to encourage students to reflect on their academic performance, take action, and to improve their academic outcomes. There will be two Progress Reporting periods each semester, one within the first month of classes and one near mid-semester. (The first reporting period for selected Math courses may be earlier in the semester by departmental request.)
Professors may indicate that they have concerns about student performance in classes such as:
- Lack of performance such as not logging into the course, low test or assignment grade, unprepared for class, or at risk of course failure – Students are encouraged to contact their professor as soon as possible using the contact information in the course syllabus.
- Needs Tutoring – Math, Writing, or Other STEM. Students are encouraged to seek tutoring, and given the appointment scheduling link in RU-N4Success and the Navigate-Student app. Tutoring office directors and coordinators are alerted to the referral.
If you receive a Progress Report, you can see it in the Navigate app (under MyDocs) and you will receive an email with recommended next steps.
The actions you should take will vary depending on your individual academic situation, such as:
- Talk to your professor during their office hours or make an appointment with them to discuss your progress in the course and strategies for improvement. Office hours are meant as an open time when students can drop in to ask a question or get guidance, and should be listed on the course syllabus.
- Talk to your academic advisor to discuss strategies for success in the course or, only if necessary, withdrawing from the course.
- Explore RU-N resources such as tutoring, or the staff in the Dana Library.
Progress Reports can be seen by your professor (only for the course they teach), your assigned advisors, staff in special programs that you are affiliated with (HLLC, Honors Program, EOF, Veteran’s Affairs) and within the Dean of Student’s Office. If you are an athlete, they can be seen by the Athletic Director.
No, Progress Reports will not appear on your official or unofficial transcript.
Professors are encouraged to submit feedback to all of their undergraduate students during the Progress Reporting periods, especially students with academic concern. You may not receive a Progress Report if your academic performance is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If you do not receive a Progress Report for a particular course and you have a concern, you are encouraged to discuss it directly with your professor.
If you have questions regarding feedback given to you for a particular course, contact your professor directly for more information. You may also contact your academic advisor, success coach or counselor via the Navigate-Student app. If you are experiencing personal issues or have a health concern, you should contact the Dean of Students Office, or Health &Wellness Services to meet with a staff member who can provide assistance.